Thanksgiving can carry some dangerous hazards for pets. We have compiled some tips to keep your pets healthy and safe during this holiday.

Poison Risks

Overindulging in holiday foods can be unhealthy for pets: Fatty foods are hard for animals to digest. Poultry bones can damage your pet’s digestive tract. And holiday sweets can contain ingredients that are poisonous to pets.

  1. Keep the feast above the table (not under it). Pancreatitis can be caused by eating turkey or turkey skin in pets. Fatty foods are very difficult for animals to digest and any foods that may be healthy for you to eat are not healthy for your pet. Keep in mind the many people foods that are toxic to pets including onions, garlic, raisins, and grapes.
  2. Avoid giving your pet any desserts. The artificial sweetener called Xylitol, commonly used in baked goods and gum, is very toxic to animals. Chocolate is also a harmful toxin and should always be avoided.
  3. Yeast dough is also hazardous to animals because it can cause painful gas and dangerous bloating.
  4. Make sure you put the trash in an unreachable location. Turkey carcasses including anything used to wrap the turkey should be disposed of immediately as they can cause gastrointestinal obstruction and many other health problems.
  5. Be aware of what decorative plants you are using. Remember that some flowers and plants are toxic to pets. These include amaryllis, Baby’s Breath, Sweet William, some ferns, hydrangeas and more. Be wary of pine cones, needles and other decorations that can cause gastro intestinal problems.
  6. Be careful with candles/fire hazards with pets. Never leave a pet alone in an area with a lit candle; it could result in a fire.
  7. Pet Poison Helpline! 1-855-764-7661. If you think your pet has ingested something they shouldn’t have, act quickly and contact your veterinarian or the poison control helpline.

Its also important to remember that large functions/parties can be stressful for pets. Visitors and large numbers of new people can make them nervous. If you know your dog or cat is nervous when people visit your home, put them in another room or a crate with a favorite toy. There are other prescription drugs that can be prescribed by your veterinarian to reduce your pets anxiety. There are also natural remedies that can be used to help with this as well including pheromones, essential oil, and herbs. Call your veterinarian to discuss these options for your pets.

If your pets are uncomfortable around guests make sure to watch them closely when people are entering or exiting your home. If they are experiencing a large amount of stress they may try to escape and run out of the door. It is important to make sure your pet has the proper identification (such as a microchip) with your current contact information in case of emergency.

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